
*x* * xJust Somexx* * *
of the many Miracles

(the groupings)

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21+ Miracles         - complete -
Some Health related Very Special Links
click below & you will be taken to the story in:
groupNo +[L=left;. C=centre;. R=right] of screen

o the Sahaja Yoga hospital, Belapur 1C
o the Cancer story - 1L
o Recovery from Shingles
- 1R
o Multiple Sclerosis - 5R
o overcoming Heavy Emotional problems - 3C
o Badly Skinned Chin healed in days - 5L
o badly split nose healed fully in 7 days 2R
Rheumatics/Arthritis - 9C
o New Smile appearing on Photograph - 7L

The Sprinkler Story
Some of the Gaffes or Howlers
xHomex xResetx

- KEY -

Underlined Links = (Story written up)
Not Underlined Links = (not yet written up)

See many New Items added:
NEWLY ADDED = e.g. +Aug 2016

The Miracle (a very Big Miracle+) of
Life after Cancer

(Miracle: effortlessness in exposure to Divine)

Shri Mataji in Chiswick
(7 Miracles & the "No 'Buts' - 2006)

Mother visits the UK in 2006
(Miracle of preparing us for Her MahaSamadi)

4yr old Alex &
Tommy, the Penguin

(A lovely Miracle story of being used by
the Divine to overcome some impossible tasks)

2006 in Chiswick

Belapur Health Centre
the visit in 2013

The Sahaja Yoga Hospital, started by Shri Mataji
(Miracles: Rose; Bandhan; Chin; produce Report)
How to get into that state of
(yes this is a Miracle too)
How to empty your head
& still the mind

How to Overcome & Conquer those
'Hard Nuts'
we sometimes come across
[Reiki Master;Spiritual Healer;
Fanatical Hindu Priest;False Gurus
(Miracle of "Asking the Question" of Mother)
+Jan 2016