click below & you will be taken to the story in: groupNo +[L=left;. C=centre;. R=right] of screen o the Sahaja Yoga hospital, Belapur 1C o the Cancer story - 1L o Recovery from Shingles - 1R o Multiple Sclerosis - 5R o overcoming Heavy Emotional problems - 3C o Badly Skinned Chin healed in days - 5L o badly split nose healed fully in 7 days 2R o Rheumatics/Arthritis - 9C o New Smile appearing on Photograph - 7L >.........................................................................< The Sprinkler Story Some of the Gaffes or Howlers |
The Miracle (a very Big Miracle+) of |
Mother visits the UK in 2006 |
Belapur Health Centre the visit in 2013 The Sahaja Yoga Hospital, started by Shri Mataji (Miracles: Rose; Bandhan; Chin; produce Report) |
How to Overcome & Conquer those |