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* * *Ok, so No more Miracles* * *
( At least, Just for the moment )

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Miracles stories       - complete - 

  - Misc other bits -  
Rutumbara Driving Car - good driver
Gavin use all his strength to overcome Jane
- You said it ! <= = = NB


Coconut falling in India onto forehead
of USA yogi who was THINKING too much, lying
beside Nick <= = = NB

Story of many SYis
pushing onto Mother's Chakras,
& Nick pushing on L. Nabhi knee
Learning to count my Blessings
Mother's Eyes move independently <= = = NB
The miracle that is Mortlake
on horseback for wedding;
horses back like sitting on razor
Chelsham Rd Puja
To say Lord's Prayer 3 times
rickshaw to get home,
when abandoned in Bombay
Vashi - healing of open sore on forearm Barber at Ganapatipule 2003 ?